Effective Asynchronous Instructional Design in Hybrid Courses
Session 1: 10:30am-12:00pm (Friday March 01, 2024)
Online hybrid classes with little more than commercial software and eBook assignments have a history of low retention because of passive instruction; students are not engaging with either the instructor or classmates. Research shows high-quality hybrid online teaching must include clear connections between synchronous and asynchronous learning and active/interactive learning opportunities for students to persist and succeed. With current examples from Advanced ESL and noncredit CTE classes, we will detail how to use backward design practices and planning tools that have been research-proven in high-quality hybrid adult ed courses. Session participants will leave with a planning tool for hybrid classes and concrete examples of proven methods to incorporate directly into courses with asynchronous components.
Kristi Reyes
OTAN, MiraCosta College
Kristi Reyes, MA TESL, is a tenured faculty member in the noncredit ESL program at MiraCosta College, California.. She has more than a decade experience teaching online, with online teaching credentials from @ONE and TESOL International, and is an OTAN Subject Matter Expert.
Erica Duran
MiraCosta College
Erica is a tenured English instructor in the Adult High school and the Department Chair for Short Term Vocational programs at MiraCosta College. Prior to the pandemic, Erica taught online and hybrid courses for nearly 10 years, and her research and teaching interests include effective online teaching pedagogies for adult learners as well as intersections between STEM and the Humanities.
Type of Presentation
Demonstration (90 minute)
- Teachers
Program Strands
- Adult Basic Education
- Adult Secondary Education
- English as a Second Language
- Pre-Apprenticeship and Apprenticeship
- Short-term Career Technical Education
- Workforce Preparation
Category Strands
- Ensuring Equity and Access
- Digital Learning Foundations
- Designing Learning Experiences
- Digital Learning Models
- Online Engagement and Assessment