Digital Literacy Meets Student-Written Content, and a Star Is Born!

Session 2: 1:00pm-2:00pm (Friday March 01, 2024)



Participants will learn how to access free interactive digital content from The Change Agent, an adult education magazine focused on social justice. The Change Agent is unique because it features student writing on issues that are relevant to them. This high-interest content acts as scaffolding for improving digital and basic skills. With this content as the foundation, The Change Agent supplies digital teaching tools to create classroom-ready activities. During the workshop, participants will learn about two of these: using an interactive presentation app to foster student engagement, and sharing and adapting graphic organizers in Google docs that give students practice collaborating and publishing online. Participants will leave with ready-to-use, engaging, interactive lessons that teach digital skills. Students will appreciate the peer-to-peer quality of the writings, and teachers will appreciate the standards-aligned activities that help students learn basic and digital skills.


Lead Presenter Bio Photo

Cynthia Peters

World Education

Cynthia Peters is the editor of The Change Agent at World Education in Boston, Massachusetts. She is an ABE teacher and a provider of professional development on a wide range of topics at national conferences, as well as to states, regions, and programs around the country.

Lead Presenter Bio Photo

Jerry Yamashita

World Education

With a background as an Adult Education teacher and administrator, Jerry has experience designing and implementing CTE pathways and EdTech initiatives, facilitating relevant and sustained PD, and promoting student/staff upskilling. He is a regular presenter at conferences focusing on Digital Equity and Inclusion, EdTech, and Technology Integration. Jerry earned his Ed.S. degree in Educational Technology from Boise State University, where he continues his studies as a doctoral candidate.

Type of Presentation

Demonstration (60 Minutes)


  • Teachers
  • Administrators
  • Support Staff (Transition Specialists, Counselors, Librarians, etc.)

Program Strands

  • Adult Basic Education
  • Adult Secondary Education
  • English as a Second Language

Category Strands

  • Digital Learning Foundations
  • Designing Learning Experiences
  • Online Engagement and Assessment