Why Are Students Struggling? Let's Look at Their Learning Style Inventory

Session 3: 2:15pm-3:45pm (Friday March 01, 2024)



This presentation gives participants a hands-on learning experience about their learning style. Participants will take at least three different learning style inventories, be able to interpret how they learn, and be able to apply teaching strategies. Some LSIs may group learning modalities as (1) Auditory (2) Visual and (3) Kinesthetic/Tactile. Other LSIs may expand the list to (1) Reading (2) Writing (3) Listening (4) Speaking (5) Visual and (6) Tactile. Participants will also learn if they are "groupers" or "stringers" and how different teaching strategies could affect learners. Participants will learn how to develop different strategies when presenting information to a class with different types of learners. Participants will have access to the LSIs in the form of an Excel workbook, Google sheet, or paper format (pencil and paper). Participants can use these assessments to determine their students' predominant learning modality.


Lead Presenter Bio Photo

Lila Young

Clovis Adult Education, Clovis Unified School District

Lila Young has over 29 years of teaching experience at Clovis Adulted Education in technology, at least 20 years as a system analyst, software engineer, and computer consultant in university environments. Currently Department Chair of CTE Business programs, developing Canvas curriculum and web master at Clovis Adult Education. Previous presentations focus on teaching strategies to help students to be successful.

Type of Presentation

Demonstration (90 minute)


  • Teachers
  • Administrators
  • Support Staff (Transition Specialists, Counselors, Librarians, etc.)

Program Strands

  • Adult Basic Education
  • Adult Secondary Education
  • Adults with Disabilities
  • English as a Second Language
  • Pre-Apprenticeship and Apprenticeship
  • Short-term Career Technical Education
  • Workforce Preparation

Category Strands

  • Digital Learning Foundations
  • Designing Learning Experiences
  • Digital Learning Models
  • Online Engagement and Assessment
  • Student Support Services