USA Learns: Take a Tour of This FREE Resource for ESL, Citizenship, and CTE

Session 6: 10:30am-11:30am (Saturday March 02, 2024)



This engaging and interactive session will allow participants to be introduced to USA Learns--ESL, Citizenship, and a CTE course designed by the Sacramento County Office of Education that uses multimedia throughout for student success. The site has recently added a new course as well as rebuilt the popular Citizenship course. The site has been rebuilt to use responsive design, meaning that all learners have high-quality access on any device. Participants will learn how to use the courses as supplemental material for EL Civics and Job Skills. They have the opportunity to engage in the site live as well as create their own account. Time for reflection and discussion will be included.


Lead Presenter Bio Photo

Alisa Takeuchi

OTAN, Garden Grove Adult Education and Tamalpais Adult School

Alisa Takeuchi has been in AE for over 23 years. Her broad range of experience spans from ESL instructor, technology integrator, mentor teacher, and most recently, a CTE instructor. She has had the privilege of being a Subject Matter Expert in technology integration for the California state leadership project OTAN-Outreach and Technical Assistance Network for the past 7 years. Teaching and sharing what she knows with others is her passion and remains at the forefront of her priorities.

Type of Presentation

Follow-along Workshop (60 Minutes)


  • Teachers
  • Administrators
  • Support Staff (Transition Specialists, Counselors, Librarians, etc.)

Program Strands

  • Adult Basic Education
  • Adult Secondary Education
  • Adults with Disabilities
  • English as a Second Language
  • Pre-Apprenticeship and Apprenticeship
  • Short-term Career Technical Education
  • Workforce Preparation

Category Strands

  • Digital Learning Foundations
  • Online Engagement and Assessment