Dispel Technology Myths for Adults With Disabilities
Session 1: 10:30am-12:00pm (Friday March 01, 2024)
This workshop is all about mythbusters for struggling adults and those with specific learning disabilities (e.g. dyslexia, attention deficit, mild traumatic brain injury, etc.). 1) Ten digital and technology strategies will be showcased that connect the student immediately to embrace technology and think strategically, 2) learn five powerful ChatGPT prompts that every AWD student should master for academics and employment and 3) participants will be provided an ebooklet for handy strategies at their fingertips.
Kenya Bratton
Sweetwater Adult Education
Kenya Bratton is a Jill of Knowledge and Master of Some. A Utah hiker, Anza Borrego stargazer, and knows the secret to the best chili. With 20+ years in school psychology and 3+ years as the Program Manager of the Disability and Access Resource Center in Sweetwater Adult Education, her belief is simple, "Every interaction should make an impactful difference with the adult learner.
Type of Presentation
Demonstration (90 minute)
- Teachers
- Administrators
- Support Staff (Transition Specialists, Counselors, Librarians, etc.)
Program Strands
- Adult Basic Education
- Adult Secondary Education
- Adults with Disabilities
Category Strands
- Ensuring Equity and Access
- Digital Learning Foundations
- Designing Learning Experiences
- Online Engagement and Assessment