Developing EL Civics COAAP Instruction and Assessment Tasks with AI

Session 6: 10:30am-11:30am (Saturday March 02, 2024)



Many EL Civics COAAP instruction and assessment tasks require agency-created scenarios or histories. Artificial Intelligence tools can assist curriculum developers and teachers in writing multiple versions of these scenarios and/or histories, making the process much less time consuming. Presenters will model the use of ChatGPT in creating scenarios, lead participants through the process and then assist participants in using ChatGPT to write a scenario on their own. Links and resources provided.


Lead Presenter Bio Photo

Lori Howard


Lori Howard is the California WIOA, Title II: AEFLA Program Specialist Coordinator for CASAS specializing in IELCE, Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education. She is also an ESOL consultant, teacher educator and author of reading textbooks for adult ESOL learners. She has provided ESOL teacher education in the US and abroad and is a frequent presenter at state, national and international conferences. Her many years of experience includes teaching and administering ESOL programs.

CoPresenter Bio Photo

Portia La Ferla


Portia is a CASAS Program Specialist serving southern California Agencies. She has extensive experience in adult education as an ESL and ABE coordinator and instructor and more than 20 years’ experience as a WIA/WIOA grant writer and monitor.

Type of Presentation

Demonstration (60 Minutes)


  • Teachers
  • Administrators

Program Strands

  • Adult Basic Education
  • Adult Secondary Education
  • English as a Second Language
  • Workforce Preparation

Category Strands

  • Designing Learning Experiences