Using Technology to Enhance COAAPs
Session 3: 2:15pm-3:45pm (Friday March 01, 2024)
As a new Assistant Director, I was surprised when I saw how we were assessing our ESL students via COAAPs. The process was messy, and grading was a daunting task. This year, our ESL Professional Learning Communities took a hard look at the COAAPS and how we could update them using tech tools. We began by updating our survey, how could we ensure that students had voice and choice in choosing which COAAPs would be implemented? Once we had that data, how could we assess students effectively? Next we began looking back at the assessments we used in the past. Were the tasks authentic? Could they be improved using technology? How will they be scored? We’ve learned a lot along the way. This session will share the process we’ve followed, the tools we used, what we have learned, and how we are moving forward.
Denise Douglas
Porterville Adult School
Denise has been actively involved with Instructional Technology for the past decade. As a 20 year teaching veteran she was a pioneer in using technology in her high school classes, she served as a Technology Coach, Tech Coordinator, and now is the Assistant Director of the Porterville Adult School. Denise is a Level 2 Certified Google Educator and has presented throughout California at a variety of technology and leadership events.
Type of Presentation
Demonstration (90 minute)
- Teachers
- Administrators
Program Strands
- English as a Second Language
Category Strands
- Online Engagement and Assessment