Assess, Develop and Certify Your Students' Soft Skills and Work Readiness

Session 1: 10:30am-12:00pm (Friday March 07, 2025)



In this interactive session, participants will consider questions such as, What are soft skills? How can we measure soft skills? How can we determine a business's soft skills needs? How can we match business needs with our students' skills and develop the latter when needed? Participants will see a demo of the CASAS eWORKs soft skills assessment and development program and learn how it can be made accessible to persons with disabilities, incarcerated persons and more.


Lead Presenter Bio Photo

Paul Kratzer


Paul has worked in workforce development and adult education since 2000. He retired from the Division of Adult and Career Education of the Los Angeles Unified School District in 2021 after working as a WIOA Navigator for 4 years. Paul started working for CASAS in 2023 and serves as the coordinator of the CASAS eWORKs soft skills program.

Type of Presentation

Demonstration (90 minute)


  • Teachers
  • Administrators
  • Support Staff (Transition Specialists, Counselors, Librarians, etc.)

Program Strands

  • Adult Basic Education
  • Adult Secondary Education
  • Adults with Disabilities
  • English as a Second Language
  • Pre-Apprenticeship and Apprenticeship
  • Short-term Career Technical Education
  • Workforce Preparation

Category Strands

  • Ensuring Equity and Access
  • Digital Learning Foundations
  • Digital Learning Models
  • Online Engagement and Assessment
  • Corrections, Re-Entry, and Rehabilitation