Call for Proposals

Calling All Adult Education Colleagues!

Join us at the upcoming Technology and Distance Learning Symposium (TDLS), taking place on March 1-2 at the Fremont Adult and Continuing Education. We invite you to submit a presentation proposal for this exciting event.

Share your expertise, best practices, and engaging strategies, or facilitate discussions within the Category Strands listed below. TDLS is all about collaboration and capacity building within the adult educator community.

If your proposal is accepted, please complete your presenter profile and upload a photo when prompted to set up your presenter account. Participants who have not yet created an account will be emailed a link to complete the process.

Further details and presenter training will be provided in the near future. Make sure to provide an email address you check regularly for presenter and OTAN communications.

The deadline for TDLS Call for Proposals will be Monday, December 4th.

Additionally, we've made changes to our fees to ensure accessibility for everyone. Detailed fee information will be available soon in our registration materials. Stay updated on our website, and feel free to reach out with any questions or feedback at

Thank you for your invaluable support in presenting and shaping the future of TDLS!


Please consider one of the following presentation formats when submitting your proposal:

  • Demonstration – Demonstrate and explain a tech tool, technique, or strategy, while allowing time for participant questions and interaction.
  • Follow-along workshop – Present a tech tool, technique, or strategy, while participants follow along on their devices and mirror what the presenter is doing.
  • A panel or facilitated discussion - Meant to be an open forum, allowing presenters and participants to discuss a specific topic of interest to the field. A panel or facilitated discussion proposal needs to include a key topic and a set of facilitated questions that the presenter(s) will use to guide participant conversation.
  • Note: Vendor sessions are not accepted. However, agencies/presenters are welcome to invite vendors to partner and present successful use of products. The teacher should be the lead presenter and the vendor representative should be a co-presenter.
(75 character maximum)

Characters left: 75

(500 character maximum - The Abstract is a basic description of your session that will be included on the main program page under the session title.)

Characters left: 500

(1000 character maximum - The Description is a longer explanation of what will happen during your session and will be included on the session page along with the presenter photo and profile.)

Characters left: 1000



Support Staff (Transition Specialists, Counselors, Librarians, etc.)

Ensuring Equity and Access This session focuses on digital equity as a prerequisite to engage in digital learning, such as: access to digital devices, connectivity to high-speed internet, and developing digital literacy skills. Strategies for meeting the needs of diverse learners, including accessibility requirements, UDL principles, and other topics may be covered as well.

Digital Learning Foundations This session centers on addressing the unique characteristics of adult learners, best practices in design and implementation of learning, connecting standards and practice, and professional development that supports staff in preparing for digital learning.

Designing Learning Experiences This session centers on selecting and using technology integration frameworks or models and digital tools (including LMS and OER) for communication, collaboration, learning management, and other functions to help students reach learning goals and outcomes.

Digital Learning Models This session centers on adult education digital learning models – distance education, blended and hybrid learning, and HyFlex or other flex models – and planning for and implementation of models that meet student learning needs.

Online Engagement and Assessment This session centers around specific techniques and strategies that focus on engaging learners in online environments, including the use of various digital assessment tools to inform instruction and enhance teaching and learning.

Student Support Services This session centers around student support services provided by agencies including student orientation, transition support services, human services (i.e., childcare, transportation), SEL, and other resources provided to learners with the aim of fostering a healthy, equitable, and inclusive learning community.

Corrections, Re-Entry, and Rehabilitation This session centers around technology integration and implementation in an environment with incarcerated adults or those placed on parole, in residential re-entry centers, and within rehabilitation facilities, particularly around the challenges of offering critical digital skills training to individuals.

Program Administration and Coordination This session centers on strategies for program development, improvement, or change management in a variety of areas, including personnel, instruction, partnerships, and vision, that transform digital learning at the agency.

Adult Basic Education

Adult Secondary Education

Adults with Disabilities

English as a Second Language

Pre-Apprenticeship and Apprenticeship

Short-term Career Technical Education

Workforce Preparation

Friday: AM

Friday: PM

Saturday: AM

Saturday: PM



Lead Presenter

For a presentation with Co-Presenters, please select as Lead Presenter the person who will be responsible for managing and communicating all important information to other presenters in a timely manner.

Attendees have requested a way to review presenter qualifications and conference experience. Please provide a short profile briefly outlining your teaching and conference presentation experience.

(500 character maximum)

Characters left: 500



Only share the Lead Presenter's

Upon acceptance of your presentation, presenters will be required to submit all website addresses they intend to visit or use during their session.

(450 character maximum)

Characters left: 450

The Technology and Distance Learning Symposium is a public, in-person, and online event for 2024. As such, each participant, presenter, and co-presenter will be required to register for the event and sign a media release form giving OTAN permission to post photos, multimedia, audio or video of the conference for marketing of this and future events.