Online Registration

Technology and Digital Learning Symposium

Friday, March 7 and Saturday, March 8, 2025

Register below for our hybrid Technology and Digital Learning Symposium 2025. TDLS promises to be an interactive and dynamic conference. Choose to participate either in-person at Long Beach School for Adults or online. In-person registration is limited to 200 people.

You must complete your registration to participate in TDLS online or in-person. Please complete your registration before sending Purchase Orders or checks.

TDLS 2025 in-person registration has reached full capacity. However, it is not too late to join us online!

In-person – 200 participants

Online – 1,000 participants

Fee: In-person $50 - Online $20

Name and Information

Agency Information

Attendance and Payment

Note: no refunds


In-Person only

OTAN will be providing a light breakfast on Friday and Saturday.

What days will you be attending TDLS?

Please select your lunch preference for the day(s) you will be attending TDLS.


Printed Schedule

In-Person only

You will be able to access the TDLS 2025 conference program online. However, please indicate below if you would like to receive a printed schedule when you check in at registration.


OTAN strives to host inclusive, accessible events that allow for full participation by all. Should you have any specific accommodation needs or inquiries about accessibility, please check the box and someone from the OTAN team will contact you, or email no later than Feb 21, 2025 for questions or requests.

Media Release

The Technology and Digital Learning Symposium is a public, in-person, and online event for 2025. As such, each participant, presenter, and co-presenter is required to register for the event and sign a media release form giving OTAN permission to post photos, multimedia, audio or video of the conference for marketing of this and future events.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at or check out our contact page.